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Visit us for Culture Days October 1st & 2nd


We invite you to join the Brampton Meditation Centre for various activities taking place on Saturday, October 1st and Sunday, October 2nd in celebration of Culture Days in Brampton. In order to help create a Canada where culture connects us all to see and do more we will be hosting various activities and workshops in the city.

Join us to create “Community Mural of Peace”, this collaborative community project offers a creative outlet for families to share their inspiring wishes of peace through a statement, symbol or drawing. This Mural will then be shared in a central community location as a reminder of the beautiful virtues and aspirations for peace that we share and ultimately bring to our family, community, country and world.  

Experience meditation by joining us for a brief yet powerful group meditation on peace—peace for ourselves, our community, and our world.

Experience the fluidity, strength, and power of Body and Mind by learning the Basics of both Hatha Yoga (practice of physical yoga postures) and Raja Yoga (Science of the Mind).

You have the potential to experience peace and harmony in everyday life! learn the basics of Meditation and how it can transform your thoughts, feelings and ultimately daily life experiences.

Join the Tai Chi Workshop to explore and experience Inner Peace. Tai Chi is a gentle form of fluid exercise that calms the mind and body, which lends way to feelings of our innate qualities of peace, tranquility, contentment and strength.

For full details and schedule please click on the Culture Days link above.


2 Responses so far.

  1. shabina Jamkhandi says:

    I would like to join Raja yoga and I live in Brampton Toronto. Please send the details about.

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